Monday, November 9, 2009


You can build your confidence level by learning how to set goals and as you reach your goals your confidence will soar and you will realize that you can be do have anything you desire. Your confidence level plays a huge part in your courage to pursue your goals. Are you living a mediocre life and just settling for things the way they are. Are you afraid to pursue your passions and motivations?
Life is meant to be lived to the fullest and if you do not constantly work on building your confidence level then you will never be able to overcome the obstacles that life throws your way. What are you afraid of? What have you been told that you can never do? Have you been listening to those people or are you able to stop all the negativity by listening to the positive self talk? If you are not using self talk or affirmations on a daily basis, then you are not building your confidence to the ability it can be built. We all talk to ourselves on a daily basis whether you realize it or not.
The most important thing you must understand is that we are our own worst enemy. If we continually tell ourselves we can not do something we tend to believe that. And our confidence level goes down. However if you constantly tell yourself positive affirmations then you will begin to believe those as well. The point being that you can build your life the way you desire it to be. Begin taking the time to watch what you are telling yourself, are you improving your confidence level, or are you hurting it?
We all begin building our confidence levels when we are children. Society helps you or hurts you as people begin telling you that you can or can not do something. Our parents play a huge role in it as well. Parents are you telling your children and encouraging them to go after what they want? Help them believe that they can be do have anything they desire. The more they hear you tell them this they will begin to believe and have faith that they can do anything.
If you are setting goals and following your passions then your children will learn from you. Your confidence level as a parent plays off huge for your children to follow. We all want our children to have anything they desire, however it all starts at home. Your children will do exactly what you do, if you talk to yourself positively then they will be more positive as well.
Begin to immediately watch how you talk to everyone around you. You can learn how to build your confidence level on a daily basis. Eventually it will just become a new habit and you will no longer have to remind yourself to change your self talk from negative to positive.
Have the faith to pursue your goals and believe that the law of attraction is on your side, because in reality it is.

Priorotize your work

How to set priorities

Being able to set priorities is the key to getting organised and making the most of your time.
But how do you set priorities for your day-to-day tasks and activities as well as specific action items for your goals in order to make sure you’re not letting anything slip through the cracks?
You will have daily priorities such as taking the kids to school, and you should also have daily goal specific actions – these all need to be prioritized into one seamless set of action items to make sure your day-to-day life doesn’t take precedence over your goals and vice versa.
To prioritize day-to-day activities and goal specific Action Items, try any one of the following systems:
Must Do | Should Do | Nice to do
  • Priority 1: Must Do – these goals or activities must be achieved if you are to consider yourself ‘successful’. These are your highest priority goals or activities.
  • Priority 2: Should Do – these goals or activities should be achieved (but it is not essential) to consider yourself ‘successful’.
  • Priority 3: Nice to Do – self explanatory.

You may prefer the commonly used “High | Medium | Low priority” terminology.
Ranking system - where you number all tasks in the order that you need to do them, from 1 being most important (do this one first) to however many action items there are on your list.
Urgent | Important activity matrix Another popular way of prioritising action items is the Urgent | Important activity matrix originally developed by time and organisational management guru Stephen Covey.
This matrix is based on all tasks being assigned a level of ‘urgency’ and ‘importance’ as illustrated below.
Urgent/ Important Priorities MatrixUrgent-Important Matrix for setting prioritiesHuman nature means that we instinctively act on tasks that are ‘urgent’, whether these tasks are important or not. That’s OK for the tasks that are also important, but the other ones are not necessarily the best use of your time and effort.
This matrix can also be used to explain why taking action on goals sometimes gets into trouble. Goals are typically derived from dreams and desires, which by their very nature are not ‘urgent’. Goals are however VERY important and their enabling actions need to be elevated in priority over tasks that are not really important.
So as a tool for helping you prioritise your action items, start by identifying which part of the matrix each task belongs in, and then manage them as follows:

Urgent/ Importatn prioritiesUrgent-Important Matrix for setting prioritiesMost importantly, find that suits you set priorities – prioritising tasks is the key to time management and organisation and is essential if you have any hope ofachieving your goals. And don't forget to document your set priorities in your action plan.

Ten Steps To Manage Your Time And Get Things Done by David Julian Price

In today's busy world, many people have difficulty managing their time and getting everything done. Some people are very busy, but they never manage to achieve the things they really want. Others never get anything done.

Some people are late for everything in their lives and don't know why. Have you ever noticed that people who are late are always late – there is a pattern. The same is true for punctual people – they are nearly always punctual – they too have a pattern

There are some basic steps that people can take to improve their chances of getting done what they want and need to get done. Here are 10 steps.

1. Stop talking time - talk priorities. Time is finite – everyone has the same amount so there is no point in saying you don't have time – you do. What differs from one person to the next, is their priorities and how they allocate their time.

2. Make sure that you know the top 3 things you must get done today - work on them first! If nothing else gets done, make sure these top 3 do get done. Work on them first.

3. Stop procrastinating. Adopt this mantra - Just do it - and do it now! Procrastination is defined as putting off what needs to be done. There is only one way to stop procrastinating – just stop!

4. Make sure you work to live, not live to work! Get a life! Make sure that your life and well-being comes before your work. A cast iron guarantee is that at your funeral, no-one will thank you for spending more time at work. Be balanced!

5. Studies have shown that many workaholics die early! Don't be one of them. If you are working 7 days a week or if you are working 55 – 60 hours or more each week then you are a high risk workaholic. If you work seven days and more than 60 hours then you better have a good insurance policy and have told your family about the funeral you want! The most common reason which causes workaholics to stop working is their first heart attack. Sadly only 50% wake up from it to have the chance to make a decision to change. Having made the change, without exception people say "I should have done this years ago!"

6. Remove the clutter from your life. Get rid of everything – stuff, responsibilities, even people – that do not contribute positively or enrich your life. Start by clearing your workspace.

7. Work on effectiveness first, then worry about efficiency. Effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficiency is doing things right. It doesn't matter how efficient you are if you are working on the wrong thing! Be effective first, then worry about efficiency and you'll find that it will fall into place. Remember just because you are busy, doesn't make you effective or successful.

8. Be prepared to change. The one thing that is certain is that change will only increase, not decrease. If you are going to be more productive, then remember the definition of insanity – doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different result! Take an honest look at your attitude to change and if you rate yourself lower than 5 out of 10 then work hard at – wait for it – changing your attitude about change. No-one does things the same today as they did 5 or 10 years ago. Use change to your advantage – don't fight it - you'll lose!

9. Become a list writer. Keep a list of everything you need to do and then constantly prioritise and re-prioritise it. Use technology to your advantage. If you are using Microsoft Outlook (different from Outlook Express), then learn and use the "Task" tools. Outlook will increase your effectiveness more than you can imagine – if you use it seriously!

10. Be willing to say "no". Put yourself, family and friendships/relationships as the highest priority. Make sure you re-charge your batteries regularly, not run them to empty. Say "yes" to the people who really matter, and spread yourself sensibly among everyone and everything else. In spite of what you may think – you are not indispensable!

about the blog

The blog carries a lot of information in order to achieve success in life.
Everyone will be happy, if we get whatever we deserve.
To be happy fix your goal and start working on it.
Let us fix our goal right now, "DREAM BIG AND ACHIEVE BIG".
Look forward for lot of useful updates on this blog.